fine dining

美 [faɪn ˈdaɪnɪŋ]英 [faɪn ˈdaɪnɪŋ]
  • 盛宴
fine diningfine dining
  1. Unlike fast-food places , fine dining shops prefer customers to stay longer and spend .


  2. I took it up because a former employer of mine appreciated fine dining .


  3. An exciting new western fine dining concept is coming to town and we are looking for the best !


  4. Two Belgian men have come up with a way to take fine dining to a whole new level - Literally !


  5. For a country that invented fine dining , the crepe is astonishingly simple .


  6. David : People in the US usually describe fine dining restaurants as having ambiance , but not fast food joints .


  7. Nick : Yes , it was a run-of-the-mill dish you could find in any fine dining restaurant .


  8. her stubborn conviction that Chinese food can flow seamlessly into Western fine dining smoothed the path for this next generation .


  9. This way is gaining acceptance and I wouldn 't be surprised if one day soon it 's considered acceptable in fine dining .


  10. World leaders accustomed to fine dining had a surprise on their plates Sunday at the United Nations - trash .


  11. Serious epicures head upstairs to the adjoining fine dining restaurant , Vasco .


  12. A restaurant run by prisoners at a tough jail has been voted one of Britain 's top 10 fine dining venues .


  13. If you are into fine dining , then hotels are the best bet with their sumptuous buffet spreads .


  14. If your partner believes fine dining is important then they might feel disappointed on their tenth night of baked beans on toast .


  15. Our Michelin star chefs and fine dining restaurant scene have catapulted the city into the culinary spotlight .


  16. Whether the project is a century-old castle or a contemporary fine dining restaurant , intimate knowledge is required before embarking on its design .


  17. They can also take a dip in the swimming pool to cool down after their one-of-a-kind fine dining experience , which is bound to leave them with vertigo .


  18. Everything is about molecular , gourmet , and fine dining and while this may be great to write restaurant guides , it isn 't if you just want sustenance .


  19. Dinner in the Sky offers customers an entirely new experience : fine dining served by some of the world 's top chefs , while suspended 50 metres in the air .


  20. They might pretend to love fine dining , but when on the hoof , many Brits still prefer to fill their faces with offal and saturated fat .


  21. Although the food is tasted as monotonous and even tasteless as dry as dust compared with Chinese delicate fine dining , their reasons tell them that they must eat the food due to the nutrition .


  22. It 's not fine dining - most of the food is high in fat , and some of the restaurants have dubious hygiene , but that doesn 't stop customers from chowing down .


  23. Professor Spence 's previous work has established , for example , that a heavier glass makes a gin and tonics taste better and that a fine dining cloth will improve the flavour of a meal .


  24. The fine dining experience is delivered to you by your very own personal waiter , who delivers food and beverages via a zip-wire , being careful not to spill or drop anything on the journey .


  25. Some time ago at a buffet lunch in a church hall - not quite a fine dining event - I recall a lively conversation between an unemployed man in early middle age and an older , wealthy industrialist .


  26. My chance to understand the extent of contemporary table theatre came when I was offered a place on " The Art of Fine Dining " masterclass at the three-star Alain Ducasse restaurant at The Dorchester .


  27. Consumers also want to differentiate themselves by spending money on experiences , such as travel , fine dining and the home , instead of buying another designer product , says Emmanuel Hemmerle , managing partner at Emmanuel Hemmerle , a leadership consultancy .


  28. From the southern Indian restaurant Quilon in London , where beers begin the drinks list , to Eleven Madison Park in Manhattan , where the choices run to eight pages , beer has been invited to join the fine dining club .


  29. Gordon Ramsay , for example , has 20 restaurants in the US , Europe , Asia , the Middle East and Australia ; Wolfgang Puck a whopping 21 fine dining restaurants and countless other casual restaurants , and franchises .


  30. At the age of 14 you may expect burger and chips or pizza to be on the menu , but a teenage chef has wowed the food world so much with his experimental fine dining that he has been taken on by a top Beverly Hills restaurant .
